Monday, June 4, 2012

Discovering the Secret Place

 He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty, Whose power no foe can withstand. -Psalm 91:1

Yesterday, I was riding in my grandma's truck with her back from helping with Will's graduation. It was about 10:00 at night and as we were driving on the interstate on our way back to her house, we got to see a storm on display right in front of us. The lightning would completely illuminate the darkness and in that brief half of a second, the pitch black sky became a host of huge angry thunderheads and the outline of a torrential downpour was visible beneath them. As I drove it was the weirdest sensation, because I felt a chilling sense of being in the middle of something powerful and bigger than me at work. But at the same time I felt completely safe, secure, and at home in my grandma's big Ford F150. It was really beautiful. All of the sudden it hit me, and I asked God, can I please feel this way when You work in my life? Is there any way that You can work in Your power in BIG, unpredictable ways while at the same time I feel so safe and secure that I never want to leave that place?

Fastforward about 20 hours....I'm back starting my summer routine of babysitting the twins and I had completely forgotten about that prayer. I had taken the girls to the pool but I hadn't brought my swimming suit so I was just sitting with their towels beside the pool thinking about how I would fill the next hour. I decided to pray, but I was so distracted by all the noise and the bright sun reflecting off the water and the radio playing in the pool speakers. So I asked God for help. And He brought me there. I don't know how to explain it but it's like suddenly you step outside of yourself and you sit with God and inspect that moment. And it's beautiful.
God is shining his warm rays of that magnificent sun down on you.
The sky is beautiful and blue.
There's this unearthly joy and awe.
You're surrounded by life and beauty and miracles and it was just like wow.

And I realized that tiny drop of God perspective was available every waking second of my day, but it's a choice and I am too good at allowing myself to drown in the hurry and worry of the world. Jesus brought me to a secret place with Him today. He helped me to step out of all the worry traps of time, opinions, and distractions and just BE. With Him. To see the world and ENJOY the world in a completely new way. There is so much freedom there! I want to be there. I want to live in the realm where He sits.

God, I can't believe You answered my prayer in such a beautiful way. "He who dwells in the secret place (the safe place where I feel secure) of the Most High (who is HUGE and powerful and unpredictable) shall remain stable and fixed (that safe and secure feeling again) under the shadow of the Almighty, Whose power no foe can withstand." And I almost missed it. Thank You for helping me to see it. God, I want to stay in that place. Please teach me how to stay in that place.

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